
Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons is a non-profit organization involves in training post graduate medical professionals in different sub-specialities with strict maintenance of it's standard. It is indeed a great honour and privilege to assume the office of the secretary of BCPS while being solely responsible to execute the honoured and time worthy decisions of the council. Since it's inception in 1972 this prestigious institution has expanded it's horizon for the development of the post graduate medical education of the country, so did it's workload and the additional expenditure. Undoubtedly, the responsibilities have become more challenging in the face of current transition of medical education. The college is governed by a council of fellows providing services. To promote the peruse of excellence of the organization, different committees contribute for better and smoother execution of the decision of the council. The college holds the responsibilities to conduct the post graduate Fellowship and Membership Examination biannually. Furthermore, numerous training programmes are arranged to enhance the skills of the future Fellows, which includes Basic Surgical Skill courses, Research Methodology and Information Communication Technology. The effort is not limited to, rather includes additional arrangements for the continuous development and up gradation of the current Fellows with programmes like Basic Life Support, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Information Technology courses and multiple CME's. The concern is focused on making the Fellows fit enough to not only fulfill the need of specialist healthcare of the country but meet the global standard as well. The department of medical education actively involved to develop quality assessment to various aspects of medical education through various workshop and training programmes.

The core strength of the college solely relies on it's fellows who work heart and soul to uphold the dignity of the organization. The college remains in great debt to them for their constant engagement to upgrade the curriculum, monitor training and standardize the assessment and evaluation process.

Our future vision is to lead the post graduate medical performance, improve professionals and thereby improve the health care service as a whole. We appreciate the high expectation of the fellows and countrymen alike to actively promote and facilitate continuous professional up gradation.

We shall Endeavour our best to uphold standard of the college and the fellows as well in this context we appreciate any improvisation, collaboration and concepts from the fellows for better progress of this esteemed institution.

Looking forward, we extend our support to fresh fellows for up gradation their skills in different countries and fellow colleges.

Professor Abul Bashar Md. Jamal
Secretary, BCPS

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