The College is constituted by its founder Fellows, Fellows without examination, Honorary Fellows and Fellows admitted on passing the prescribed examination. The College Council comprises of 20 Councilors of whom 16 are elected by the Fellows and 4 are nominated by the Government from amongst the Fellows. The election of the council held every two years, after one-half of the members of the council have finished their tenure of office. Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the college held on last working day of February each year. The Council is responsible for the general direction of the general affairs of the College. The Council have the following committees to help: a) Executive committee consisting of President, Senior Vice President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two elected Members. b) Finance and Tender Committee consisting of the President, the Treasurer and two Members elected by the council and other members. C) The examination committee consisting of senior Vice-President in the chair and other members. D) The Reference committee consisting of President and other members.

Secretary of the college is the Chief executive of the council and ex-officio members of all the committees and convener of all the committee meetings. There are different subcommittees for smooth functioning of the college activities. They are Disciplinary committee, Museum committee, Library committee, Journal committee, Students advisory committee, Continuing professional development (CPD) committee, Fellows welfare committee, Planning and development committee, Research and training monitoring committee, Ethical committee, Medical educaton committee, Skill development committee, IT committee. Academic activities of the College are carried out under sixteen faculties: 1) faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, 2) faculty of Medicine, 3) faculty of Family Medicine, 4) faculty of Surgery, 5) faculty of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 6) faculty of Paediatrics, 7) faculty of Psychiatry, 8) faculty of Radiology-Imaging and Radiotherapy, 9) faculty of Ophthalmology, 10) faculty of Anaesthsiology, 11) faculty of Hematology, 12) faculty of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, 13) faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and 14) faculty of Dermatology and Venereology, 15) faculty of Dentistry, 16) faculty of Radiotherapy . Their main functions are to make recommendations on academic activities within their jurisdiction and conduct teaching and training program.

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