SL |
Name of Candidate |
Year |
Title of Dissertation |
1 |
Dr. Snigdha Dey |
2024 |
Ultrasound Guided Subclavian Vein Catheterization : Comparison Between Supraclavicular and Infraclavicular Approach. |
2 |
Dr. S. M. Tariqul Islam |
2024 |
A Comparative Study of Segmental Thoracic Spinal Anesthesia and General Anesthesia for Modified Radical Mastectomy. |
3 |
Dr. Md Ashraful Islam |
2024 |
Comparative Study Between Adductor Canal Block and Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) for Post Operative Analgesia After Knee Arthroscopic Surgery. |
4 |
Dr. Tanvir Islam Nabil |
2024 |
Comparison of Rapid Shallow Breathing Index (RSBI) with Diaphragmatic Excursion (DE) as a Predictor of Successful Weaning of Patient from Mechanical Ventilation (MCV) in a Tertiary Hospital in Bangladesh. |
5 |
Dr. Tayeef Abrar |
2024 |
A Comparative Study of Thoracic Segmental Spinal Anesthesia and General Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
6 |
Dr. S.M. Tawhid Billah |
2024 |
Dexamethasone & Tramadol as Adjunct to Ropivacaine in Caudal Block in Children for Post-Operative Analgesia. |
7 |
Dr. Abdullah Al Bari |
2024 |
Efficacy of Tramadol Hydrochloride Versus Pethidine for Control of Shivering in Regional Anaesthesia in a Tertiary Care Hospital. |
8 |
Dr. Maliha Karim |
2024 |
Effectiveness of Oral Tramadol as Pre-emptive Analgesic for Laparoscopic Surgeries. |
9 |
Dr. Panna Lal Saha |
2024 |
Comparison of Analgesic and Sedative Effects of Ketofol (Propofol and Ketamine Combination) and Fenofol (Propofol and Fentanyl Combination) in Burn Children Undergoing Burn Wound Care Procedure. |
10 |
Dr. Afsana Mahmuda |
2024 |
Comparison of Ketamine-Dexmedetomidine and Ketamine-Propofol for Sedation of Paediatric Patient for MRI and CT Scan. |
11 |
Dr. Ahmed Nashin |
2024 |
Effect of Fractionated Versus Bolus Dose Injection of Bupivacaine Heavy in Spinal Anesthesia for Lower Limb Surgeries. |
12 |
Dr. Shahedul Islam |
2024 |
Safety and Efficiency of Bronchial Blocker Versus Double Lumen Endobronchial Tube for One Lung Ventilation in Thoracic Surgery: A Comparative Study. |
13 |
Dr. MD. Saidul Hossain |
2024 |
Effectiveness and Safety of Propofol-Dexmedetomidine Versus Propofol-Ketamine during Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography. |
14 |
Dr. Mir Murshid Jahangir |
2023 |
Estimation of Appropriate Endotracheal Tube Size in Pediatric Patients: Ultrasonagraphy Versus Age-based Formula. |
15 |
Dr. Tanzila Shams |
2023 |
Haemodynamic Response During Endotracheal Intubation by Video Laryngoscope and Conventional Laryngoscope in Hypertensive Patients. |
16 |
Dr. Afsana Sultana |
2023 |
Effectiveness of Combination of Opioid Free Medications for Peroperative Haemodynamic Stability and Postoperative Analgesia in Surgery for Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc. |
17 |
Dr. Shuvo Kumar Ghosh |
2023 |
Perioperative Effects of Dextrose and Non Dextrose Containing Intravenous Fluids on Blood Glucose Level in Paediatric Patients. |
18 |
Dr. Bedhan Chandra Saha |
2023 |
Comparison of Dexmedetomidine versus Propofol for Procedural Sedation in Children Undergoing Minor Cardiac Procedures in Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory. |
19 |
Dr. Nilima Afrin Anirban |
2023 |
Labor Analgesia by Lumbar Epidural Technique, in a Tertiary Care Hospital: An Observational Study. |
20 |
Dr. Md. Nur Alam |
2022 |
Evaluation Efficacy of Peritonsillar Infiltration of Tramadol Versus Bupivacaine on Attenuation of Post Tonsillectomy Pain in Children. |
21 |
Dr. Tafhim Ul Abedin |
2022 |
Effectiveness of Medical Air with Dexmedetomidine Infusion as an Alternative to Nitrous Oxide. |
22 |
Dr. Mohammad Ashraful Alam Chowdhury |
2022 |
Comparison Between Parecoxib and Ketorolac as Preemptive Analgesic for Early Postoperative Period Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Under General Anaesthesia. |
23 |
Dr. Aminul Islam |
2022 |
Perioperative Blood Glucose Level in Non-diabetic Patients Having Open Abdominal Surgery. |
24 |
Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam |
2022 |
A Comparative Study Between Dexmedetomidine and Labetalol for Attenuation of Hemodynamic Stress Response to Laryngoscopy and Intubation. |
25 |
Dr. Mamunur Rashid |
2022 |
Per Operative Comparison Between Ephedrine and Phenylephrine Use for the Treatment of SAB Induced Hypotension During Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgery. |
26 |
Dr. Md. Mahbub Hasan |
2022 |
Effects of Fentanyl and Dexmedetomidine for Attenuation of Hemodynamic Responses, Post Operative Recovery and Postoperative Analgesia in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
27 |
Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman |
2022 |
Effects of Palonosetron and Aprepitant on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting after Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery - A Comparative Study. |
28 |
Dr. A.N.M Mahfuzul Haque |
2022 |
The Effects of Labetalol and Nitroglycerin on Surgical Field Bleeding for Tympanoplasty at the Same Haemodynamic Status. |
29 |
Dr. A.K.M. Golam Kibria |
2022 |
A Comparative Study Between Intraoperative Use of Bolus Fentanyl and Dexmedetomidine Infusion to Prevent Emergence Agitation of Children Undergoing Rhino-oto-laryngeal Surgery after General Anaesthesia. |
30 |
Dr. Muhammad Mazharul Islam |
2022 |
Perioperative Outcome of Subarachnoid Block or General Anaesthesia in Discectomy for Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc. |
31 |
Dr. Md. Zunaid |
2022 |
Beta Lactum Antibiotics in Continuous Infusion Vs Intermittent Dosage in Critically Ill Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. |
32 |
Dr. Nasim Ahmed |
2022 |
Intrathecal Fentanyl or Intrathecal Midazolam as an Adjuvant to Hyperbaric Bupivacaine on Patients Undergoing Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Under Subarachnoid Block. |
33 |
Dr. Fatema Akter Eti |
2022 |
Comparison Between USG Guided TAP Block and Local Anaesthetic Wound Infiltration as Postoperative Analgesia in Laparoscopic Appendicectomy Under GA. |
34 |
Dr. Apple Mahmud Anwar |
2022 |
A Comparative Study Between Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam-Fentanyl for Conscious Sedation in Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography. |
35 |
Dr. Fatema Sharmin |
2022 |
Effectiveness of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine in Prolonging the Duration of Subarachnoid Block. |
36 |
Dr. Md. Ehsanul Haque |
2022 |
Comparison Between Conventional Volume Controlled Ventilation and Pressure Controlled Ventilation in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
37 |
Dr. Noureen Bari |
2022 |
Infusion of Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam-Fentanyl Combination for Conscious Sedation in Middle Ear Surgeries. |
38 |
Dr. Sadia Afroz |
2022 |
Effect of Preoperative Fasting Time on Maternal and Neonatal Blood Glucose Level of Diabetic Mothers Undergoing Caesarean Section. |
39 |
Dr. Mohammad Jubair Ibnul |
2022 |
Comparison of Vasodilatory Properties Between Isoflurane and Sevoflurane Using Perfusion Index: A Randomized Clinical Trial. |
40 |
Dr. Tamanna E Jahan |
2022 |
Effectiveness of Dexmedetomidine in the Prevention of Spinal Anesthesia Induced Shivering and Hypotension. |
41 |
Dr. Shamima Nasrin |
2022 |
Effectiveness of Dexamethasone in the Prevention of Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting After General Anesthesia. |
42 |
Dr. Shahrin Ahmed |
2022 |
Effect of Radiofrequency Ablation with Chemical Neurolysis of Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglion in Ischemic Limb Pain with Diabetes Mellitus. |
43 |
Dr. Faisal Ahmed |
2022 |
A Comparative Study Between USG Guided Bilateral Erector Spinae Plane Block and Single Shot Epidural Block for Postoperative Pain Management in Abdominal Surgery. |
44 |
Dr. Nizar Mahrus Brinto |
2022 |
Clinical Versus Bispectral Index-Guided Propofol Induction to Monitor the Depth of Anesthesia: A Comparative Study. |
45 |
Dr. Farzana Arman Putul |
2021 |
A Comparison of Effectiveness of Remifentanil and Fentanyl in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Surgery Under GA. |
46 |
Dr. Md. Alireza Al-Beruny |
2021 |
Dexmedetomidine and Clonidine with Intrathecal Hyperbaric Bupivacaine as an Adjuvant in Patients Undergoing Elective Lower Abdominal Surgery - A Comparative Study. |
47 |
Dr. Nusrat Islam |
2021 |
Comparison Between Oral Clonidine and Oral Gabapentin as Pre-emptive Analgesic on Reducing Post Operative Analgesic Requirement in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
48 |
Dr. Md. Sayful Islam |
2021 |
The Effect of Intravenous Dexamethasone on Prolonging Analgesia after Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block in Patients Undergoing Upper Limb Surgery: A Comparative Study with Perineural Dexamethasone. |
49 |
Dr. Masud Hasan |
2021 |
Comparative Study of Perioperative Outcome between Thoracic Epidural Anaesthesia and General Anaesthesia in Patients Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy. |
50 |
Dr. Subrata Kumar Das |
2021 |
Comparative Study Between Nalbuphine and Fentanyl in Attenuation of Haemodynamic Response to Pneumoperitoneum in Patient Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
51 |
Dr. Hosne Ara |
2021 |
Ondansetron and Nalbuphine in Prevention of Intrathecal Fentanyl Induced Pruritus in Caesarean Section Under Subarachnoid Block – A Comparative Study. |
52 |
Dr. Rabeya Siddika Turin |
2021 |
Comparative Study Between Propofol-Remifentanil and Propofol-Fentanyl for Intravenous Anesthesia in Diabetic Patients Undergoing ERCP. |
53 |
Dr. Md. Reazul Haque |
2021 |
Effectiveness of Nalbuphine in Prolonging the Analgesic Effect of Bupivacaine in Pectoral Nerve Block – A Comparative Study with Magnesium Sulphate. |
54 |
Dr. Mostofa Mahabub Morshed |
2021 |
A Comparative Study Between Lidocaine 1% and Acetaminophen Infusion to Decrease Propofol Injection Pain in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Bogura, Bangladesh. |
55 |
Dr. Md. Tawhed Al Islam |
2021 |
A Comparison of Clonidine with Fentanyl as an Adjunct with 0.5% Bupivacaine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block - A Randomized Clinical Trial. |
56 |
Dr. Md. Sirajis Salehin |
2021 |
Ultrasound Guided Quadratus Lumborum Block Vs Transversus Abdominis Plane Block for Post-Operative Analgesia after Caesarean Section. |
57 |
Dr. Md. Tanvir-Ul-Islam |
2021 |
Post Operative Analgesia and Pulmonary Functions in Patients Undergoing Upper Abdominal Surgeries - A Comparative Study Between Tranversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Block and Epidural Block. |
58 |
Dr. Md. Junayed Imam Bhuiyan |
2021 |
Effectiveness of Phenylephrine in the Treatment of Subarachnoid Block Induced Hypotension During Elective Caesarean Section (A Comparative Study with Ephedrine). |
59 |
Dr. Zakia Sultana Mitali |
2021 |
Effectiveness of Ketamine and Ondansetron in the Prevention of Subarachnoid Block Induced Shivering in Caesarean Section: A Comparative Study. |
60 |
Dr. Ahsanul Kabir |
2021 |
Hypotensive Anaesthesia During Spine Surgery - A Comparison Between Dexmedetomidine and Magnesium Sulphate. |
61 |
Dr. Kazi Rafsan |
2021 |
Comparison of Effectiveness of Adjuvant Fentanyl and Dexamethasone in Subcostal Transversus Abdominis Plane Block for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
62 |
Dr. Md. Mahiuddin Alamgir |
2021 |
Comparing the Prophylactic Antiemetic Effectiveness of Ondansetron and Aprepitant During Postoperative Period after Laparoscopic Surgery. |
63 |
Dr. Partha Pratim Sen |
2021 |
Comparison of Glycemic Status within Bi-Spectral Index 40-60 Induced by Isoflurane Vs Sevoflurane Anaesthesia in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery. |
64 |
Dr. Muhammad Omar Faruk Raihan |
2021 |
Comparative Study of Hemodynamic Stability Between Continuous Infusion of Intravenous Remifentanil & Epidural Bupivacaine in Per-operative Period of Abdominoplasty Surgery. |
65 |
Dr. Kazi Parves Alam |
2020 |
Evaluation of the Role of Procalcitonin and D-dimer Level in the Early Detection of Sepsis. |
66 |
Dr. Mirza Sumaiya Tanzin |
2020 |
A Comparison Between Dexmeditomidine and Propofol Based Sedation in Patients Undergoing Burr-Hole Surgery for Subdural Haematoma Under Local Anasethetic Infiltration. |
67 |
Dr. Khandaker Nazmul Karim |
2020 |
A Comparative Study of Intraperitoneal Bupivacaine Alone or With Dexmedetomidine for Postoperative Analgesia after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
68 |
Dr. Md. Aulad Hossain |
2020 |
Efficacy and Safety of Ankle Block versus Sciatic-Saphenous Nerve Block for Foot Surgery. |
69 |
Dr. Abul Kalam Md Jayed |
2020 |
Dose Response Study on the Effect of Preoperative Dexamethasone on Postoperative Quality of Recovery and Opioid Consumption after Outpatient Gynaecological Laparoscopy. |
70 |
Dr. Nazem Ahmed |
2020 |
Quadratus Lumborum Block versus Transversus Abdominis Plane Block for Postoperative Pain Management after Total Abdominal Hysterectomy. |
71 |
Dr. Md. Masum Hossain Arif |
2020 |
Evaluation of Effect of Intraperitoneal Dexmedetomidine versus Fentanyl as Adjuvant of Bupivacaine Infiltration for Pain Relief after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
72 |
Dr. Abdullah-Al-Mamun |
2020 |
Comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Magnesium Sulphate as an Adjuvant to Bupivacaine for Transverse Abdominis Plane Block in Caesarean Delivery for Post Operative Analgesia. |
73 |
Dr. Saifuddin Mohammad Mamun |
2020 |
Effect of Magnesium Sulphate on Attenuation of Intubation Reflex During Direct Laryngoscopy, Comparison with Lidocaine. |
74 |
Dr. Tasmia Khan |
2020 |
Effectiveness of Midazolam Plus Ketamine Combination versus Tramadol Plus Ketamine Combination for Control of Shivering Under Spinal Anaesthesia in Obstetric Patients. |
75 |
Dr. Rajib Kumar Halder |
2020 |
Dexmedetomidine and Fentanyl as Adjunct to 0.5% Bupivacaine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block – A Randomized Controlled Trial. |
76 |
Dr. Mishuk Dutta |
2019 |
Postoperative Opioid Sparing Effect of Intraoperative Lignocaine Infusion - A Comparison with Diclofenac Sodium Infusion. |
77 |
Dr. Shamsun Nahar Shanta |
2020 |
Central Venous to Arterial Carbon Dioxide Difference as Useful Complementary Goal of Fluid Resuscitation for Septic Shock Patient. |
78 |
Dr. Silvia Sohelin |
2020 |
Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and It`s Relation to Early Diagnosis of Sepsis among Patients Admitted to ICU. |
79 |
Dr. Md. Mokaddem Hossen |
2018 |
Comparison of Intravenous Paracetamol and Intramuscular Pethidine for Post Operative Analgesia of Caesarean Section under Spinal Anaesthesia. |
80 |
Dr. Md. Shahadat Hossain |
2020 |
Effects of Ultrasound Guided Lumber Erector Spinae Plane Block vs Sub-arachnoid Block in Elderly Patients Undergoing Hemiarthroplasty. |
81 |
Dr. R A M Mostafijur Rashid |
2020 |
Treatment of Postdural Puncture Headache in Caesarean Section patients under Spinal Anaesthesia by Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block - Comparison between Lidocaine 4% and Bupivacaine 0.5%. |
82 |
Dr. Rashed Ashraf |
2020 |
Comparison of the efficacy between femoral nerve block and fascia iliaca compartment block for postoperative analgesia in patients after knee surgery. |
83 |
Dr. Ahmed Saeed Arefin |
2019 |
The use of Dexmedetomidine in
Enabling Smooth Extubation in
Comparison with Fentanyl. |
84 |
Dr. Md. Emdad Hossain |
2019 |
Magnesium Sulfate Versus Fentanyl as an Adjuvant with Bupivacaine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block - A Comparative Study. |
85 |
Dr. Saiful Islam Khan |
2019 |
Comparison Between Oral Paracetamol and Oral Gabapentin as Pre-Emptive Analgesic in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
86 |
Dr. Md. Sharif Hossain |
2019 |
Study of Correlation of End Tidal CO2 (ETCO2) Level with Serum Lactate in Patient with Septic Shock. |
87 |
Dr. Nabin Chandra Saha |
2019 |
Effectiveness of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine in Attenuation of Extubation Responses - A Comparison with Intravenous Lidocaine. |
88 |
Dr. Md. Arif Uddin |
2019 |
Effects of Ultrasound-Guided Combined Femoral-Sciatic-Obturator Nerve Block vs Sub-Arachnoid Block in Patients Undergoing Knee Surgery. |
89 |
Dr. Mahedy Ahmed Munna |
2019 |
Effectiveness of Clonidine in the Treatment of Post Spinal Shivering (A Comparative Study with Tramadol). |
90 |
Dr. Aminul Islam |
2019 |
Attenuation of Haemodynamic Response to Pneumoperitoneum during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (A Comparative Study Between Intravenous Nitroglycerine versus Labetalol). |
91 |
Dr. Md. Nazmus Sakeb Chowdhury |
2019 |
Effects of Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) versus Fentanyl as an Adjuvant to Epidural Bupivacaine in Lower Abdominal Surgeries. |
92 |
Dr. Mohammad Abedur Reza |
2019 |
Comparative Study on the Effect of Low Dose Dexmedetomidine and Clonidine as Adjuvant on the Quality of Subarachnoid Block by 0.5% Heavy Bupivacaine. |
93 |
Dr. Kazi Farhana Akhter |
2019 |
Attenuation of Surgical Stress Induced Hyperglycaemia by Preoperative Oral Glucose Loading - A Placebo Control Trial. |
94 |
Dr. Suman Ahamed |
2019 |
Effectiveness of Dexamethasone as Adjuvant in Prolonging the Analgesic Effects of Local Anaesthetic in Subarachnoid Block - A Comparative Study with Fentanyl. |
95 |
Dr. Ashfaque Bar Chowdhury |
2019 |
Comparison of Adjuvants (Dexmedetomidine & Tramadol) in Intraperitoneal Instillation with Local Anesthetic Agent. |
96 |
Dr. Md. Anwarul Mamun |
2011 |
Palonosetrone and Prevention of Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) - Comparative Study with Granisetron. |
97 |
Dr. Mohammad Rasel Arafat |
2019 |
Comparison of Adjuvant (Dexmedetomidine and Dexamethasone) in Transversus Abdominis Plane Block (TAPB). |
98 |
Dr. Md. Mamun Morshed |
2019 |
Effects of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine on Post-Operative Analgesic Requirement after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - A Comparative Study. |
99 |
Dr. Md. Abu Kawsar |
2019 |
Comparative Study Between Dexmedetomidine and Nalbuphine for Prevention of Post Spinal Shivering in Obstetrics Cases - A Randomized Controlled Trial. |
100 |
Dr. Shazia Jabeen |
2019 |
Outcome of Early versus Late Tracheostomy in Critically Ill Patients. |
101 |
Dr. Md. Mostafijur Rahaman |
2019 |
Effect of Intrathecal Levobupivacaine with Fentanyl Versus Fentanyl Only for Combined Spinal-Epidural Analgesia in Labour- A Comparative Study. |
102 |
Dr. Md. Khairul Kabir Khan |
2019 |
Comparative Study of Bupivacaine with Dexmedetomidine and Bupivacaine with Fentanyl for Caudal Block in Pediatric Infraumbilical Surgery. |
103 |
Dr. Fazlul Kabir Farhad |
2019 |
Tramadol as an Adjuvant to Local Anesthetic Agent to Prolong the Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block - A Comparison with Dexamethasone. |
104 |
Dr. Lutphun Nahar |
2019 |
Comparison Between End Tidal Carbon Dioxide and Partial Pressure of Arterial Carbon Dioxide in Non Intubated Spontaneously Breathing Patients Undergoing Burr Hole Surgery. |
105 |
Dr. Salma Azad Tanni |
2019 |
A Comparative Study Between Conventional Opioids and Erector Spinae Plane Block for Post Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Analgesia. |
106 |
Dr. Md. Jasim Uddin Sarker |
2019 |
Effects of Subcuteneous Wound Infiltration with Ketamine Versus Bupivacaine on Postoperative Pain Management after Gastrointestinal Surgery. |
107 |
Dr. Salah Udiin Al Azad |
2018 |
Effectiveness of Fentanyl and Dexamethasone as Adjunct to Low Volume 0.5% Bupivacaine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block. |
108 |
Dr. Md. Rezwan Radid |
2019 |
Dexmedetomidine as an Adjuvant to Intrathecal Bupivacaine in Spinal Anesthesia for Caesarian Section |
109 |
Dr. Moon Moon Islam Mitu |
2019 |
Ultrasound-Guided Bilateral Subcostal Transversus Abdominis Plane Block versus Port Infiltration & Intraperitoneal Spray with Local Anaesthetic for Post-Operative Analgesia in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - A Comparative Study. |
110 |
Dr. Mohammad Mominul Haque |
2019 |
Dexmedetomidine as an Adjuvant to Bupivacaine in Caudal Analgesia in Children Undergoing Infra-umbilical Surgery. |
111 |
Dr. Md. Waliullah |
2018 |
Comparism Between Propofol & Midazolam to Observe Hemodynamic Stability in Conscious Sedation for Middle Ear Surgeries under Local Anesthesia. |
112 |
Dr. Muinul Islam Shah |
2018 |
Effectiveness of Intrathecal Fentanyl as Adjuvant to Local Anesthetic – A Comparison with Intrathecal Tramadol Adjuvant on 24 Hours Post Operative Analgesics Requirements Patient Undergoing below Umbilical Surgery. |
113 |
Dr. Shukha Ranjan Das |
2018 |
Effect of Labetalol-Fentanyl and Fentanyl alone for Attenuating Pressure Responses to Intubation and Skull Pin Insertion in Neurosurgery: A Comparative Study. |
114 |
Dr. Mohammad Zishan Uddin |
2019 |
Effectiveness of Oral Diclofenac as Pre-emptive Analgesic |
115 |
Dr. Mohammad Abu Hasnat |
2018 |
Haemodynamic Response of Fastrach ILMA- Comparison with Direct Laryngoscopy. |
116 |
Dr. Md. Ariful Hoque |
2018 |
Dexamethasone with Local Anaesthetic versus Local Anaesthetic for Laparoscopic Port Infiltration to Assess Effectiveness as Post-operative Analgesia. |
117 |
Dr. Md. Mashfiqur Rahman Khan |
2018 |
Effectiveness of Oral Pregabalin Premedication in the Prevention of Suxamethonium Induced Myalgia |
118 |
Dr. Syed Thofayl |
2018 |
A Comparative Study of Pectoral Nerve Blocks with Conventional Opoid Analgesia to Improve Analgesia After Breast Cancer Surgery. |
119 |
Dr. Sabiha Mahbuba |
2018 |
Heamodynamic Effects of Fractionated Versus Bolus Administration of Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Subarachnoid Block in Elective Caesarean Section - A Comparative Study. |
120 |
Dr. S. M. Mostafizur Rahman |
2018 |
General Anaesthesia for Thyroid Surgery with or without Bilateral Superficial Cervical Plexus Block - A Comparative Study of Intra and Postoperative Haemodynamic Status and Analgesic Efficacy. |
121 |
Dr. Mohammad Wali-Al-Bari |
2018 |
Measurements of Epidural Space Depth Using Pre-existing CT-scan Correlate with Loss of Resistance Depth during Lumber Epidural Catheter Placement. |
122 |
Dr. Rokshana Sultana |
2018 |
A Comparative Study of Success Rate of Radial Artery Cannulation under USG Guidance versus Landmark Technique in Adults Undergoing Open Heart Surgery. |
123 |
Dr. Mahammuda Khanam |
2018 |
Comparative Study on Haemodynamic Response to Endotracheal Extubation : Attenuation with Lignocain and Esmolol. |
124 |
Dr. Prosanjit Mazumder |
2018 |
Haemodynamic changes with Isoflurane and Propofol during Spine Surgery under GA : A Comparative Study |
125 |
Dr. Most. Lubna Mariom |
2018 |
Association of Chest Pain with Rate Pressure Product and ST Segment Changes after Subarachnoid Block in Caesarean Section |
126 |
Dr. Mohammad Abul Kalam Azad |
2018 |
Predicting Difficult Intubation By Using Modified Mallampati (MMT) With or Without Thyromental Height Test (TMHT) |
127 |
Dr. Suvojith Ghosh |
2018 |
Subarachnoid Fentanyl Added as Adjuvant to 0.5% Hyperbaric Bupivacaine to Prevent Shivering among Parturients undergoing Caesarean Section under Spinal Anaesthesia - A Prospective Study. |
128 |
Dr. Mohammad Ifta Khiarul Hasan |
2018 |
Attenuation of Haemodynamic Responses to Laryngoscopy & Endotracheal Intubation : Role of IV Labetalol versus IV Lignocaine in Hypertensive Patients. |
129 |
Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Siddiqi Rubel |
2018 |
Effect of Different Doses of Dexmedetomidine as an Adjuvant to Intrathecal Hyperbaric Bupivacaine on Subarachnoid block. |
130 |
Dr. Mir Shahadat Hossain |
2018 |
Effects of Preemptive Gabapentin on Postoperative Pain Control and Opioid Consumption after Abdominal Hysterectomy. |
131 |
Dr. Mohammad Ali |
2018 |
Subarachnoid Fentanyl or Neostigmine as Adjuvant to Hyperbaric Bupivacaine During Caesarean Section under Spinal Anaesthesia - A Comparative Study. |
132 |
Dr. Md. Sohel Rana |
2018 |
Evaluation of Haemodynamic Effect of Spinal and Epidural anaesthesia for Caesarean section - A comparative study. |
133 |
Dr. Mostafa Nuruzzaman |
2018 |
Effect of oral clonidine on epidural anaesthesia in hip replacement surgery. |
134 |
Dr. Mohammad Shaddam Hoshain Mondol |
2018 |
The effect of oral clonidine at different doses on post operative analgesia and haemodynamic status in upper abdominal surgery. |
135 |
Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun |
2018 |
Evaluation of Effective Dose of Ephedrine in Prevention of Hypotension During Induction with Propofol. |
136 |
Dr. Md. Nazmul Haque |
2018 |
Ultrasound technique reduces the effective local anaesthetic volume compared with landmark technique for interscalene brachial plexus block. |
137 |
Dr. Tahmina Akram |
2018 |
Comparison between Transversus Abdominis Plane and Conventional Ilioinguinal/ iliohypogastric nerve blocks for postoperative analgesia in open inguinal hernia repair under Sub-Arachnoid Block. |
138 |
Dr. Shoma Siraj |
2018 |
Comparison between Classic Pubic approach and transurethral approach for prevention of obturator jerk in resection of Bladder tumour under Sub arachnoid Block. |
139 |
Dr. Mustasim Mehedi Masum |
2018 |
Removal of the Laryngeal Mask Airway in Children : Deep Anesthesia versus Awake. |
140 |
Dr. Meherun Nahar |
2018 |
Effects of I/V Fentanyl on Post-spinal Shivering Control in Non-obstetrics cases - A Prospective Study in Tertiary care Hospital. |
141 |
Dr. Md. Tajdidur Rahman |
2018 |
A Comparative study between Intravenous Esmolol & Intravenous Fentanyl on Attenuation of Haemodynamic Responses to Laryngoscopy & Oral intubation. |
142 |
Dr. Mst. Sabiha Banu |
2018 |
Haemodynamic consequences in immediate postoperative period in comparison between open and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. |
143 |
Dr. Md. Shahjahan Islam |
2018 |
Efficacy of intravenous tramadol pretreatment in reducing pain on propofol injection: Comparison with lidocaine: A Randomized, Double blind, Controlled study. |
144 |
Dr. Md. Farhad Ur Reza |
2018 |
Use of MgSO4 and Gabapentin to Prevent Succinylcholine induced Myalgia - A Comparative Study. |
145 |
Dr. Wazed Amin |
2018 |
Comparative study to analyze the incidence of sore throat, cough and hoarseness of voice after general anaesthesia with the use of alkalinized lidocaine versus air as intracuff inflating agent. |
146 |
Dr. Monirul Islam |
2017 |
The effect of Dexmedetomidine on attenuation of per-operative Hemodynamic changes during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. |
147 |
Dr. Muhammad Mizan Ullah |
2017 |
Comparison between fractionated dose versus bolus dose of intrathecal hyperbaric bupivacaine injection in spinal anesthesia for patients undergoing elective caesarean section: A randomized, double-blind study. |
148 |
Dr. Md. Moniruzzaman |
2017 |
Effectiveness of carvedilol in the treatment of first time diagnosed hypertensive patient during perioperative period. |
149 |
Dr. Molla Md Rubaiat |
2017 |
Attenuation of Haemodynamic Responses to Laryngoscopy and Intubation in Hypertensive Patient- The Influence of Melatonin. |
150 |
Dr. Sabia Siddika |
2017 |
Estimate the optimum dose of Gabapentin as preemptive analgesia to reduce the post-operative opioid requirement in patient undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. |
151 |
Dr. Md. Nuruzzaman |
2017 |
Effectiveness of Dexmedetomidine as adjuvant drug in comparison to Fentanyl in SAB. |
152 |
Dr. A. K. M. Fakhhrul Alam |
2017 |
Efficacy of Dexmedetomidine in attenuation of laryngoscopy and intubation reflex. |
153 |
Dr. Md. Jashim Uddin |
2017 |
Evaluation of post spinal anesthesia low back pain after Lower uterine caesarean section. |
154 |
Dr. Rajat Shuvra Das |
2017 |
Dexmedetomidine for Sedation during Total Abdominal Hysterectomy under Spinal Anesthesia. |
155 |
Dr. Basudeb Das |
2017 |
Effectiveness of low-dose ketamine pretreatment to reduce Propofol injection pain in Intravenous route. |
156 |
Dr. K.M. Shohel Asker |
2016 |
Efficacy of noradrenaline and ephedrine for the treatment of intra operative hypotension in elective cesarean section following Subarachnoid block - A comparative study. |
157 |
Dr. Abdullah Al Mahmud |
2016 |
Comparison of Ketamine and Hydrocortisone in the management of peroperative shivering under spinal anaesthesia. |
158 |
Dr. Md. Niazur Rahman Towaf |
2016 |
A comparative study between haemodynamic effects of Carbetocin and Oxytocin given intraoperatively as intravenous bolus in caesarean section under sub arachonoid block. |
159 |
Dr. Saiful Mahmud Tusher |
2016 |
Gabapentin and Prevention of Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting. |
160 |
Dr. Ariful Haque |
2016 |
A comparative study between 20% Mannitol and 3% Hypertonic saline for brain oedema reduction during elective brain tumour surgery. |
161 |
Dr. Masrufa Hossain |
2016 |
Cardiovascular effect and duration of analgesia in spinal anaesthesia using plain bupivacaine and plain levobupivacaine with or without fentanyl. |
162 |
Dr. Md. Ayub Ali |
2016 |
Comparative study between tramadol hydrochioride and pethidine for control of shivering under regional anaesthesia in obstetrics patient. |
163 |
Dr. Md. Arman Ali |
2016 |
Effect of Verapamil adjuvant with local Anaesthetic Mixtures in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block. |
164 |
Dr. Nahida Parveen Nimmi |
2016 |
Anaesthetic outcome of PIH patients. |
165 |
Dr. Shofina Sultana |
2016 |
Evaluation of quality of inhalation anaesthesia in paediatric patients using halothane alone or sequential use of sevoflurane and halothane - A comparative study. |
166 |
Dr. Mohammad Asraful Alam |
2015 |
Reliability of conventional method for correct placement of double lumen endobronchial tube in thoracic anaesthesia : Evaluation by fibreoptic bronchoscope. |
167 |
Dr. Husain Md. Khurshid |
2015 |
Sodium bicarbonate confirms intravenous placement of Central Venous Catheter. |
168 |
Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam |
2015 |
Effect of ondansetron for the prevention of post induction hypotension in elderly patients undergoing general anaesthesia. |
169 |
Dr. Md. Sameul Hasan |
2015 |
Efficacy of prophylactic different doses of intravenous ondansetron in the prevention of spinal anaesthesia induced Hypotension and Bradycardia in Elective Caesarean Section. |
170 |
Dr. Moinul Hossain Chowdhury |
2015 |
Efficacy of dexamethasone adjuvant in brachial plexus block - A comparison with fentanyl adjuvant. |
171 |
Dr. Muhammad Mamun Ur Rashid |
2015 |
Efficacy of pregabalin in attenuation of laryngoscopy and intubation reflex - A comparison with gabapentin. |
172 |
Dr. Md. Rejaul Karim |
2015 |
Comparative study of the efficacy of pre-treatment between Intravenous Lignocaine & Ondansetron in prevention of pain due to intravenous injection of Propofol. |
173 |
Dr. Shamim Ara Begum |
2015 |
Prophylaxis of postspinal shivering : A comparative study between intravenous Ondansetron and Meperidine. |
174 |
Dr. Mohammad Abdul Karim |
2015 |
The effect of Isoflurane compared with Propofol on haemodynamic status and surgical field bleeding during functional endoscopic sinus surgery. |
175 |
Dr. Chanchal Kumar Devnath |
2015 |
Haemodynamic effects of carbetocin and oxytocin given as intravenous bolus on women undergoing caesarean section: A comparative study. |
176 |
Dr. Most. Sufia Khatun |
2015 |
Rapid Detection of Early Sepsis in Intensive Care Unit: Comparison of Biomarkers : Procalcitonin, Serum Lactate and C-Reactive Protein. |
177 |
Dr. S M Majbaur Rahman |
2015 |
Prevention of hypotension during elective Caesarian Section (C/S) under Subarachnoid Block (SAB): Comparison of the effect of co-administration of crystalloid (eg. Ringer`s lactate), with phenylephrine infusion versus colloid (eg. 6% HES). |
178 |
Dr. Mahfuzul Islam Chowdhury |
2015 |
Comparison of efficacy of intravenous glycopyrrolate and ondansetron as prophylactic against nausea and vomiting following spinal anaesthesia in elective caesarean section. |
179 |
Dr. Mohammad Faiz Ullah |
2015 |
Comparison of the pre-emptive intravenous low dose Ketamine versus intravenous Paracetamol for postoperative analgesia on patients undergoing Total Abdominal Hysterectomy under Subarachnoid Block. |
180 |
Dr. A.M. Kamrul Hasan |
2015 |
Comparison of rocuronium and suxamethonium by assessing intubation quality and adverse effect in patients undergoing elective surgery. |
181 |
Dr. Md. Abdul Alim |
2015 |
Effectiveness of plethysmographic variability index for prediction of subarachnoid block induced hypotension in caesarean section. |
182 |
Dr. K.M. Shamim-Ul-Hasnain |
2015 |
Comparison of esmolol and lignocaine for attenuation of cardiovascular stress response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation. |
183 |
Dr. Md. Ibrahim Khalilullah |
2015 |
Comparative evaluation of low dose Fentanyl and Lignocaine in attenuating hemodynamic response to Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. |
184 |
Dr. Ferdous Ali |
2015 |
Haemodynamic changes & complications between Unilateral and Bilateral Spinal Anesthesia in Elderly Type-2 diabetic patient undergoing Hemiarthoplasty - A comparative study. |
185 |
Dr. Mohammad Moinul Islam |
2015 |
Efficay of intravenous ondansetron versus ephedrine as prophylactic against hypotension and bradycardia following spinal anaesthesia in elective caesarean section - a comparative study. |
186 |
Dr. Ahamad Ullah |
2015 |
Attenuation of cardiovascular response to laryngoscopy and intubation by intravenous metoprolol. |
187 |
Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam |
2015 |
Comparison of haemodynamic changes with Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) insertion & endotracheal intubation in intermediate duration (1 to 2 hrs) operation. |
188 |
Dr. Hasan Ali Talukder |
2015 |
Effectiveness of Oral Clonidine and Oral Gabapentin in Attenuation of Haemodynamic Stress Response to Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - A Placebo Control Trial. |
189 |
Dr. Sharoz Rayhan |
2015 |
Efficacy of Ephedrine Versus Lignocaine Pretreatment in Preventing Pain Following Propofol Injection. |
190 |
Dr. Md. Ahsanul Kabir |
2014 |
Crystalloid preload versus rapid crystalloid administration after induction of spinal anaesthesia (coload) for elective caesarean section. |
191 |
Dr. A. K. M. Habibullah |
2014 |
Nitrous oxide versus medical air using in general anesthesia during laparoscopic cholecystectomy : A comparative study. |
192 |
Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman |
2014 |
Effects of pre-operative education on post-operative pain, anxiety and patient`s satisfaction after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG). |
193 |
Dr. Md. Aminur Rahman |
2014 |
Comparative study of Thiopental Sodium & Magnesium Sulphate in the Control of Convulsion along with Haemodynamics in Eclampsia. |
194 |
Dr. Khalid Nur Md Mahbub |
2014 |
A comparative study on hemodynamic response between the use of two supraglottic airway device - laryngeal mask airway classic and i-Gel in anaesthetized, paralyzed adult patients undergoing elective surgery. |
195 |
Dr. Md. Abdul Jabbar |
2014 |
Efficacy of intravenous midazolam & ketamine combination in the treatment of shivering after spinal anaesthesia - A comparative study with intravenous midazolam & pethidine alone. |
196 |
Dr. Shaon Kumar Das |
2014 |
Postoperative analgesic effect of different doses of intrathecal adjunct neostigmine - A comparative study. |
197 |
Dr. Hurrun Maksur |
2014 |
Attenuation of pressor response to laryngoscopy in severe preeclampsia : comparison the efficacies between intravenous nitroglycerine and intravenous hydralazine. |
198 |
Dr. Mohammad Shaheen Miah |
2014 |
Haemodynamic effects of Levobupivacaine over Bupivacaine in case of Sub-arachnoid Block for Total Abdominal Hysterectomy. |
199 |
Dr. Atiqur Rahman |
2014 |
Sedation for Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) - A comparative study between propofol-fentanyl with propofol-fentanyl-ketamine combination. |
200 |
Dr. A.B.M. Maruful Hasan |
2014 |
Pre emptive analgesic role of oral Pregabalin and effect of different doses in craniotomy patients. |
201 |
Dr. Sultan Reza |
2014 |
Role of intravenous paracetamol as preemptive analgesic for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. |
202 |
Dr. Debi Halder |
2014 |
Analgesic effect of Intravenous Paracetamol on Propofol-induced Injection Pain : A Comparative Study with Lidocaine. |
203 |
Dr. Raju Ahmed |
2014 |
Comparative study between I.V. paracetamol and I.M. pethidine for post operative analgesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. |
204 |
Dr. Muhammad Shafiul Alam Shaheen |
2014 |
The comparative study of Epidural Levobupivacaine and Bupivacaine in major abdominal surgeries in Type-II Diabetic patient. |
205 |
Dr. Kawsar Begum |
2014 |
Comparison of granisetron and dexamethasone in management of Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) in laparoscopic gynaecological surgery. |
206 |
Dr. Debashish Das |
2013 |
Comparison of the effects of ephedrine and phenylephrine in treatment of hypotension after spinal anesthesia during elective caesarean section. |
207 |
Dr. Md. Nazmul Islam |
2014 |
Impact of peroperative intravenous lidocaine on postoperative analgesia of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. |
208 |
Dr. Mohammad Abu Taher |
2014 |
A comparative Study between Prophylactic use of ephedrine and fluid preload in prevention of hypotension in spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section. |
209 |
Dr. Chandra Shekhar Karmakar |
2014 |
Comparative study of propofol versus thiopental sodium with succinylcholine for Laryngeal Mass Airway (LMA) insertion. |
210 |
Dr. Zikrul Bashir |
2013 |
Postoperative pain relief in paediatric surgery patients: Effect of intravenous paracetamol in comparison with diclofenac suppository. |
211 |
Dr. Sadik Enam Boksh |
2013 |
Central neuraxial blocks in total hip replacement surgery - a comparative study between sequential combined spinal-epidural anesthesia & spinal anesthesia alone. |
212 |
Dr. Md. Tarikul Hasan |
2013 |
Haemodynamic responses during reversal from neuromuscular blockade by three different doses of atropine. |
213 |
Dr. Syed Ariful Islam |
2013 |
Role of Preoperative Single dose Dexamethasone on Post-tonsillectomy Morbidities. |
214 |
Dr. Mohammad Mizanoor Rahman |
2013 |
Attenuation of direct laryngoscopic reflex by intravenous lidocaine and lidocaine spray : A comparative evaluation. |
215 |
Dr. M. M. Jayed Hossain Chowdhury |
2013 |
Effect on Cardiovascular response immediately after post extubation period with or without the use of intravenous esmolol prior to extubation. |
216 |
Dr. Mohammad Rezwanur Rahman |
2013 |
Caudal administration of levobupivacaine in subumbilical paediatric day case surgery : a comparative study with bupivacaine, in terms of cost effectiveness and recovery. |
217 |
Dr. Mohammad Ashrafur Rahman |
2012 |
Outcome of Low-dose 0.5% Levobupivacaine (Plain) and Low-dose 0.5% Bupivacaine (Heavy) Combined with Fentanyl in Spinal Anaesthesia for Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) Surgery- A Comparative Study. |
218 |
Dr. Mohammad Obaidullah |
2012 |
Separation Time of Children from Parents: A Randomized Comparison between Oral Versus Atomized Intranasal Administration of Midazolam. |
219 |
Dr. Md. Shahriar Muhit |
2012 |
Haemodynamic responses of endotracheal intubation facilitated by intravenous rocuronuim. |
220 |
Dr. Md. Kutub Uddin Khan |
2012 |
Prophylactic use of intravenous lignocaine as a preintubation medication. |
221 |
Dr. Abdullah Masum |
2012 |
A comparative study between Subarachnoid block (SAB) and General Anaesthesia (GA) in laparoscopic gynaecological procedure. |
222 |
Dr. Md. A. Malek |
2012 |
Prevention of per-operative and post-operative nausea and vomiting in elective caesarean section patient under spinal anaesthesia: A comparative study between prochlorperazine and metoclopramide. |
223 |
Dr. Mohd. Iqbal Kabir |
2012 |
Role of prophylactic intravenous ondansetron to alleviate pain on propofol injection: A randomized double-blind prospective study. |
224 |
Dr. Sharmin Mahbub |
2012 |
A dose response study of orally administered clonidine as premedication on perioperative outcome in adult female patients. |
225 |
Dr. Mofizul Islam |
2012 |
Effects of adding magnesium and clonidine on the characteristics of levobupivacaine epidural block for patients undergoing lower abdominal and major hip surgeries. |
226 |
Dr. Mohammad Omar Faruq |
2012 |
Comparative study of bupivacaine and levobupivacaine in supraclavicular brachial plexus blockade. |
227 |
Dr. Md. Aftab Uddin |
2011 |
A study of tramadol hydrochloride in bier`s block. |
228 |
Dr. Mizanur Rahman |
2012 |
A comparative study of caudal epidural bupivacaine with bupivacaine plus fentanyl and bupivacaine plus neostigmine for anaesthesia and postoperative analgesia in children undergoing sub-umbilical surgeries. |
229 |
Dr. Mohammad Asadullah |
2012 |
Effects of prophylactic intramuscular phenylephrine on hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean section. |
230 |
Dr. Md. Zahedul Islam |
2012 |
Potential attenuating effect of esmolol on cardiovascular stress response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation. |
231 |
Dr. Md. Golam Ferdous Alam |
2011 |
Minimum effective bolous dose of oxytocin requirement after elective caesarian section. |
232 |
Dr. Md. Rajib Pervez |
2011 |
A comparative study of three different doses of intravenous ketamine HCL for prevention of post anaesthetic shivering. |
233 |
Dr. Md. Afzalur Rahman |
2011 |
Incidence of postdural puncture headache after caesarean section-comparison between 25G and 27G quincke variety spinal needle. |
234 |
Dr. Sheikh Md. Abu Taher |
2011 |
A comparative study between palonosetron and granisetron to prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. |
235 |
Dr. Farhanaz Zainab |
2011 |
Anaesthetic and analgesic effects of adding fentanyl to bupivacaine-lignocaine mixtures in supraclavicular Brachial plexus block-a comparative study with or without fentanyl. |
236 |
Dr. Mohammad Johirul Islam |
2011 |
A comparative study of the haemodynamic responses of laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation after induction of anaesthesia with IV propofol and IV thiopentone. |
237 |
Dr. Farzana Kalam |
2011 |
Combination of ketamine, propofol `ketofol` versus ketamine, diazepam for procedural sedation and analgesia in day case surgery. |
238 |
Dr. Mohammad Hosne Mobarak |
2011 |
A randomized study of magnesium sulphate as an adjuvant to intrathecal bupivacine in patients with mild preeclampsia undergoing caesarean section. |
239 |
Dr. Muhammad Moniruzzaman |
2011 |
Prophylactic use of tramadol hydrochloride and ondansetron for the prevention of post spinal shivering in cases of non-casearean operations- a comparative study. |
240 |
Dr. Md. Zafor Iqbal |
2011 |
Changes of endotoracheal tube cuff pressures and incidence of post operative sore throat while using different inflating agents. |
241 |
Dr. Mushfiqur Rahman |
2011 |
Study of subrachnoid block for transurethral resection of prostate: A comparision between 0.5% plain isobaric bupivacaine-fentanyl and 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine alone. |
242 |
Dr. Muhammad Abdur Rahman |
2010 |
Induction characteristics of thiopentone, propofol and midazolam in elderly patients. |
243 |
Dr. Muslema Begum |
2011 |
Effect of general anaesthesia & subbarachnoid block for lower segment caesarean section(LSCS) in patient with eclampsia- a comparative study. |
244 |
Dr. Subrata Kumar Mondol |
2011 |
Role of gabapentin in attenuating the pressor response to direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. |
245 |
Lt Col (Dr) Abdullah Al Mahmud |
2011 |
Effect of pre operative single dose gabapentin on cardiovascular responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. |
246 |
Dr. Md Mahbub ul Alam |
2011 |
Preoperative use of intravenous magnesium reduces the incidence of per and post operative arrhymia in coronary artery bypass graft(CABG) surgery. |
247 |
Dr. Bidhan Paul |
2010 |
A clinical trial on transversus abdominis plane block to make multimodal analgesia more effective after total abdominal hysterectomy. |
248 |
Dr. Naimul Hoq |
2010 |
Comparative study between Tramadol and Dexamethasone as an Adjuvant to Bupivacaine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block |
249 |
Dr. Nepal Chandra Saha |
2010 |
Role of Pre-emptive Oral Paracetamol in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Surgery: A Comparative Study |
250 |
Dr. Habibul Hai Masud |
2010 |
Role of Ketorolac in Bier`s Block |
251 |
Dr. Najeeb Ahsan |
2010 |
A Comprative Study on Fast Track Recovery in Patients Undergoing Surgical Correction of Atrial Septal Defec (ASD) under Thoracic Epidural Anualegesia Combined with General Anaesthesia and Traditional Cardiac Anaesthisia |
252 |
Dr. Mehedi Masud |
2010 |
Role of Oral Clonidine Premedication on Per-operative Haemodynamics in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy |
253 |
Dr. Moumita Talukder |
2010 |
Effects of dexamethasone in supraclavicular brachial plexus block - a comparative studyAnaesthetic & Analgesic effects of adding Dexamethasone to Bupivacine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block - A comparative study of supraclavicular brachial ple |
254 |
Dr. Md. Liaquatunnoor |
2010 |
A comparative study of Rocuronium using priming technique and Suxamethonium for rapid-sequence orotracheal intubation in elective cases.
255 |
Dr. Reza Ershad |
2010 |
Sedation in children for magnetic resonanace imaging-comparison between midazolam ketamine combination with midazolam fentanyl combination.
256 |
Dr. Istaque Ahmed Milton |
2009 |
Intrathecal midazolam added to low dose bupivacaine in subarachnoid block for caesarean section- A placebo control study. |
257 |
Dr. ATM Rashidun Nabi |
2009 |
Validity of SpO2/Fio2 rations for imputing PaO2/FioO2 rations in Squential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score calculation whenarterial blood gas is not available |
258 |
Dr. M.m. Shahidur Rahman |
2009 |
A comparison of Muscle relaxant requirement between combined epidural & general anaesthetic technique versus conventional general anaesthetic method during abdominal surgery. |
259 |
Dr. Sadat Bin Siraj |
2009 |
Role of Sabapentin in Reduction of Analsesic and Anaesthetic Doase Requirement During General Anaesthesia. |
260 |
Dr. Kazi Reazul Islam |
2009 |
Haemodynamic effects of Etomidate during induction of anaesthesia in patients coronary artery by pass graft ( CABG) surgery with compromised left verticular function. |
261 |
Dr. Samar Chandra Saha |
2009 |
Comparison of the haemodynamic changes produced by Vecuronium, Fentanyl and Magnesium Sulphate infusion with Vecuronium, Fentanyl infusion during off pump beating heart bypass Surgery. |
262 |
Dr. Mohammed Mostafizur Rahman |
2009 |
Etomidate, a cardiac stable induction agent : comparison with propofol and thiopental sodium. (pend. |
263 |
Dr Md. Siddiqur Rahman |
2009 |
Role of ephedrine and epinephrine in the management of hypotension after sub-arachnoid block(SAB) in caesarean section. ( pend. |
264 |
Dr. Mohammed Mohiuddin |
2009 |
Shoman Effects with prophylactic preload of hydroxyethyl starch 6% (130/0.4%) in SAB for caesarian section in a tertiary level hospital. ( Accepts. |
265 |
Dr. Md. Nurul Islam |
2009 |
Role of intravenous labetalol for attenuation of stress response in tracheal intubation for laparoscopic cholecystectomy ? a comparative study ( pend. |
266 |
Dr. Md.Sazzad Hossain |
2009 |
Comparison of haemodynamic parameters and myocardial protection of isoflurance and sevoflurane in Anaesthesia on Off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery (OPCAB). |
267 |
Dr. Md. Kamrul Hasan |
-- |
Post operative pain management after sternotomy in off pump coronary bypass grafting ? a comparative study between NSAID & opioid. |
268 |
Dr. Ayesha Sultana |
-- |
A comparative study of measurement of cardiac output between invasive (pulmonary artery thermodilution technique) and non-invasive (Echocardiography) method dueing coronary artery bypass grafting & valve replacement. ( pend. |
269 |
Dr. Md. Azizul Gafur |
2008 |
Comparison of haemodynamic alteration with laryngeal mask airway & endotracheal tube in intermediate duration ( 1 to 2 hrs ) operation. |
270 |
Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam |
2008 |
The effect of preoperative use of granisetron plus dexamethasone & granisetron alone in the prevention of postoperative nausea & vomiting (PONV) in patient with tonsillectomy operation ? a comperatie study. |
271 |
Anaesthesiology |
2008 |
Etomidate, a cardiac stable induction agent : Comparison with propofol and thiopental sodium. ( pend. |
272 |
Dr. Khondker Iqbal Karim |
2008 |
Control of shivering during regional Anaesthesia : A comparative study between tramadol and ketamine. |
273 |
Dr. Md. Abdul Quddus Mia |
2008 |
Comparative study between caudal & subarachnoid block in children for sub-umbical surgery. |
274 |
Dr. Abdul Mannan Miah |
2007 |
Use of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacine for spinal anaesthesia in elective caesarean section: effect of height and weight adjusted dose. |
275 |
Dr.(Maj.) Md. Aminur Rahman |
2007 |
Analgesic effects of bupivacaine with neostigmine and bupivacaine in paediatric caudal block. |
276 |
Dr. Giash Uddin Ahmed |
2007 |
Study of effects on preemptive ketamine on post operative analgesia after total abdominal hysterectomy Surgery under general Anaesthesia. |
277 |
Dr. md. Abdul Quddus Mia |
2007 |
Effect of pre-operative oral administration of atenolol and carvedilol on haemodynamic status in per-operative period. ( pend |
278 |
Dr. Md.Golam Murshid |
2007 |
Study of effect of haemodynamic changes caused by oxytocin during caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia ? comparison between IV bolus or infusion technique. |
279 |
Dr. Nitai Chandra Sarkar |
2007 |
Intravenous reginal anaesthesia using lignocaine and ketorolac ? a comparative study. |
280 |
Dr.(Maj.)Md. Raquibul Islam |
2007 |
Caudal block in paediatric anaesthesia : A comparative study between bupivcaine and ketamine. |
281 |
Dr. M. Younus Ali |
-- |
Post operative nausea and vimiting after laparoscopic cholecystectoy : Comparison of prophylactic effect of dexamethasone with ondansetron. |
282 |
Dr. Md. Rafiqul Hassan |
2005 |
A comparative study of fentanyl/midazolam and ketamine/midazolam as sedation analgesic agents in paediatric patients in caudal block. |
283 |
Dr. Md. Masudul Alam Mazumder |
2006 |
Volume-controlled ventilation (VCV) & pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation (PC-IRV); A comparison of their effects in patients of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). |
284 |
Dr. Anisur Rahman |
2006 |
Cardiovascular responses following fiberoptic orotracheal intubation : omparison of macintosh laryngoscope assisted orotracheal intubation with lingual traction method. |
285 |
Dr. Kamal Krishna Karmaker |
2006 |
Effect of peroperative use of granisetron and ondansetron on postoperative nausea and vomiting ? a comparative study. |
286 |
Dr. Shahriar Ahmed |
-- |
Subarachnoid tramadol of pethedine with hyperbaric bupivacaine for elective caesarean section ? A comparative study. |
287 |
Dr. Sayeed Mahmud Ali Reza |
2006 |
Haemodynamic changes during CABG surgery under propofol-fentanyl anaesthesia : comparison with conventional technique. |
288 |
Dr. A.K.M. Faizul Hoque |
2006 |
A study of the effect of (TIVA_ total intravenous anaesthesia)on the post operative respiratory performance after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) to change in practice of prolonged mechanical ventilation into early extubation. (pend. |
289 |
Dr. Manisha Paul |
2006 |
Comparative study of intra-operative complications during caesarean section under subarachnoid block by using bupivacaine alone & bupivacaine-fentanyl combination. |
290 |
Dr. Dilip Kumar Bhowmick |
2006 |
Preemptive caudal clonidine-bupivacaine or bupivacaine alone for postoperative analgesia in Children undergoing sub-umbilical surgeries ? a comparative study. |
291 |
Dr. Md. Tajul Islam |
2006 |
Caudal tramadol-bupivacaine combination for postoperative pain relieve in subumbilicl paediatric surgery. ( pend. |
292 |
Dr. Md. Pervez Altaf Hussain |
2005 |
Comparative study between efficacy of mannesium sulphate and lignocaine for attending haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation |
293 |
Dr. Md. Raihan Uddin |
2005 |
Comprison of ondansetron and granisetron for prevention of nausea and vomiting following elective caesarean section. |
294 |
Dr. Abul Kalam Azad |
2005 |
Assessment of reversal pattern of Neuro-muscular blockade ? a comparative study between clinical and instrumental methods. |
295 |
Dr. Rabeya Begum |
2005 |
Prophylactic use of Ketamine for the prevention of post operative shivering. |
296 |
Dr.Subrata Kumar Mondal |
2005 |
Preemptive low dose Ketorolac-evaluation of its effects on postoperative pain & vomiting in total abdominal hysterectomy operation. (pend. |
297 |
Dr. Md. Abdul Karim Miah |
2005 |
Spinal Anaesthesia with 0.5% hyperbaric bypivcaine in lower uterine caeserian section : effect of site of injection on spread of Anaesthesia. |
298 |
Dr. Md. Idris Ali |
2005 |
A comparative study of caudal bupivacaine and bupivacaine ? midazolam for post-operative analgesia in children undergoing genitourinary surgery. |
299 |
Dr. Satyajit Dhar |
2005 |
Post spinal headache after caesarian section ? effect of approach into my Dura-Arachnoid ? SAC?. |
300 |
Dr. Md. Al mamun |
2005 |
Study on role of co-induction in day-case anaesthesia ? a comparison between oral midazolam and thiopentone with propofol along. |
301 |
Dr. Hasan Murshed |
2005 |
Incidence of PONV ? comparison between preoperative supplemental luid bolus and prophylactic antiemetic group in laparoscopic surgery under general anaesthesia. |
302 |
Dr. M. Masudul Haque |
2005 |
Haemodynamic and recovery sttus in day-case anaesthesia: a comparison between infusion of propofol-midazolam-nalbuphine and ketamine- diazepam- tramadol. |
303 |
Dr. Md. Rafiqul Hasan Khan |
2005 |
Comparison of pre-emptive use of Diclofenac, ketorolac and tramadol for post-operative pain in laparoscopic cholycystectomy.(pend.) |
304 |
Dr. Rabeya Begum |
-- |
Effect of esmolol to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation response. (pend.) |
305 |
Dr. Md. Refat Hossain Malik |
2004 |
Recovery after combined epidural-general anaesthesia: comparison with general anaesthesia. |
306 |
Dr. Md. Anisul Islam |
2004 |
Heart rate change during the reversal of neuromuscular blockade by 3 dosages of atropine. |
307 |
Dr. Md. Enayet Karim |
2004 |
A comparative study of induction characteristics of thiopentone,midazolam and propofol in elderly patients. |
308 |
Dr.(Maj.)Md.Masudul alam Mzumder |
2004 |
Volume-controlled ventilation and pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation: a comparison of their effects in patients of of AcuteRespiratorydistress syndrome(Pending). |
309 |
Dr. Md. Tauhid Ul Mulk |
2004 |
Effect of pre-operative fasting time for elective caesarean section under sub-arachnoid block on maternal and neonatal blood sugar. |
310 |
Dr. Masud Ahmed |
2004 |
Evalution of effects of magnesium sulphate in reducing intravenous anaesthetic requirements. |
311 |
Dr. S. M. Bazlur Rahman |
2004 |
Does pre-operative fasting time for elective caesarean section under regional anaesthesia affect maternal and neonatal blood sugar. (pending) |
312 |
Dr. Md. Manowarul Islam |
2004 |
Subarachnoid clonidine or fentanyl with low dose hyperbaric bupivacaine for elective caesarean section - A comparative study. |
313 |
Dr. Sukanta Kumar Mazumder |
2004 |
Prevention of hypotension following subarachnoid block for eletive caesarean section-comparison between epedrine infusion versus volume preload. |
314 |
Dr. Nadeem Parvez Ali |
2004 |
Use of Lidocaine as endotracheal tube Cuff inflating agent to see effectiveness in reducing extubation Haemodynamic reponses and postoperative sore throat. |
315 |
Dr. Md. Iqbal Hussain |
2004 |
Intrathecal Low Dose Pethidine and Fentanyl with hyperbaric bupivacaine for elective caesarean section - A compertive study. |
316 |
Dr. Md. Maqsud Isa |
2004 |
Comparative study of immediate recovery status in paediatric patient under going inguinal Herniotomy operation with or without preemptive wound infiltration. |
317 |
Dr. Mir Mahmud Hossain |
2004 |
Assessment of Tracheal intubation Grading. ( pending ) |
318 |
Dr. Md. Abdul Aleem |
-- |
Awareness during general anaesthesia. |
319 |
Dr. Md. Harun-or-Rashid |
2004 |
Haemodynamic response to laryngeal mask airway insertion: Comparison with endotracheal intubation. |
320 |
Dr. Md. Shahadat Hossain |
2003 |
Magnesium and Anesthesia - A review & effect of MgS04 therapy . on quality of spinal anaesthesia. |
321 |
Dr. Ranadhir Kumar Kundu |
2003 |
Transfusion Scale- scoring system to determine the trigger point per-operative blood transfusion. |
322 |
Dr. Md. Rezaul Hoque PK |
2003 |
Comparison of postoperative analgesic effects and wound hyperalgesia of preemptively used epidural ketamine and fentanyl (pending ). |
323 |
Dr. Nibedita Nargis |
2003 |
Caudal epidural block in paediatric patients - a comparison between Bupivacaine, Bupivacaine Neostigmine & Bupivacaine Neostigmine with Fentanyl. |
324 |
Dr. Montosh Kumar Mondal |
2003 |
Review of postoperative Nausea and vomiting in diagnostic Laparoscopic Gynaecological surgery: Effect of oral Ondansetron and Metoclopramide - A comparative study. |
325 |
Dr.(Lt.Col.)MHM Delwar Hossain |
2003 |
Post-operative pain management : Effect of preoperative counseling on post-operative pain management. |
326 |
Dr. Mahmudur Rahman Khandoker |
2003 |
Single shot intrapleural block with bupivacaine - adrenaline in comparison with bupivacaine mixed with morphine for early post operative pain relief following upper abdominal & thoracic incision. |
327 |
Dr. Hasina Akhter |
2002 |
Combined Spinal Epidural for labour Analgesia : a comparison between Bupivacaine-Fentanyl with Bupivacaine - Tramadol. |
328 |
Dr. Sajjad Ahmed |
2003 |
Pre-emptive low dose ketamine in lower abdominal Surgery - evaluation of its effects on postoperative pain. |
329 |
Dr. Shahnaz Afroza |
2003 |
Post operative pulmonary function changes- a comparison between upper abdominal open Surgery and laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
330 |
Dr. Paresh Chandra Sarker |
2003 |
Physiology of intracranial pressure - Review of recent literature, Quantitive assessment of the effects of halothane and isoflurane during intra cranial surgery. |
331 |
Dr. Md. Delwar Hossain |
2003 |
Anaesthesia for endoscopic urologic surgeries - A comparative study between intrathecal tramadol and fentany. |
332 |
Dr. Md. Rafayet Ullah Siddique |
2003 |
Anaesthesia for elective supratentorial craniotomy : A prospective study of two techniques. |
333 |
Dr. Md. Mustafa Kamal |
2002 |
Low back pain with radiation - Effect of epidurally administered different corticosteroids. |
334 |
Dr. Rubina Yasmin |
2003 |
Pre-emptive analgesia for postoperative pain relief in children - Role of paracetamol. |
335 |
Dr. Abu Naser Md. Badruddoza |
2002 |
Does low dose midazolam infusion in combination with continuous ketorolac infusion in postoperative analgesia provide better patient satisfaction. |
336 |
Dr. Md.Torab Mollick |
2003 |
Review on Cardiovascular response to laryngoscopy and endotra- cheal intubation comparative study of lignocaine versus lignocaine and pathidine. |
337 |
Dr. Md. Abdus Samad |
2002 |
A comparison of two Anaesthetic technique in patients undergoing tympanoplasty surgery. |
338 |
Dr. Bhabesh Chandra Mondal |
2002 |
Comparison of effects of epidural infusion of bupivacaine fentanyl and bupivacaine pethidine mixture for continuous postoperative analgesia after caesarean section. |
339 |
Dr. Md. Rabiul Alam |
2002 |
Intra-nasal midazolam premidication in children : the minimum dosage and time interval for separation from parents. |
340 |
Dr. Niaz Ahmed |
-- |
Subarachnoid block for transurethral resection of prostate : A com- parison between the efficacy of 0.5% plain isobaric bupivacaine with 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine. |
341 |
Dr. Md. Mozaffer Hossain |
2002 |
Foeto-maternal outcome in pre-eclamptic parturient undergoing caesarean section with sub-arachnoid block with or without pre- operative control of blood pressure. |
342 |
Dr. Hasina Begum |
2002 |
Comparative study of ephedrine, phenylephrine and adrenaline for management of hypotension during spinal anaesthesia. |
343 |
Dr. Md. Kutubuddin Mollick |
2002 |
Experience with laryngeal Mask Airway uses. |
344 |
Dr. Manash Kumar Basu |
2001 |
Randomized comparison of general Anaesthesia & sub-arachnoid block for caesarean delivery in pregnancies complicated by eclampsia. |
345 |
Dr. Parveen Akhter |
2001 |
Spray of bupivcaine over incisional wound to reduce post Surgical pain after lower abdominal Surgery |
346 |
Dr. Iqbal Hossain Chowdhury |
2001 |
Evaluation of TIP holed spinal needle. |
347 |
Dr. Ashia Khatun |
2001 |
Prophylactic dexamethasone reduces the incidence of postoperative nausia and vomiting (PONV) and pain after laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. |
348 |
Dr. Quazi Al Mahmud Siddiqui |
2001 |
Caudal Analgesia for paediatrics - A comparison between bupivacaine and ketamine. |
349 |
Dr. B.M.M. Chowdhury |
2000 |
Percutaneous insertion of catheter to monitor central venous pressure - A comparison between effect of head positions on the placement of catheter in the internal jugular vein. |
350 |
Dr. Kazi Ashkar Lateef |
2000 |
Nutritional support to critically ill patient - a comparison between branded and home made preperations. |